Render a committee meeting page using dpp

dpp runs the knesset data pipelines periodically on our server.

This notebook shows how to run pipelines that render a single committee meeting page, part of the committees/dist pipelines which generate the static website at

Redirect stdout to terminal

Pipelines output is viewed better this way.

In [1]:
import sys
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

Change to the pipelines project root directory

Assuming you are running using Docker, as instructed in the README

In [2]:
import os

if os.getcwd() != '/pipelines':

PIPELINES_ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd()

print(PIPELINES_ROOT_DIR, file=sys.stderr)


Load the source data

Download the source data, can take a few minutes.

You can follow progress in the terminal output.

In [3]:
!{'KNESSET_LOAD_FROM_URL=1 dpp run --concurrency 4 '\

Run the build pipeline

This pipeline aggregates the relevant data and allows to filter for quicker development cycles.

You can uncomment and modify the filter step in committees/dist/knesset.source-spec.yaml under the build pipeline to change the filter.

The build pipeline can take a few minutes to process for the first time.

In [ ]:
!{'dpp run --verbose ./committees/dist/build'}

Load required source data to RAM

In [ ]:
from datapackage_pipelines_knesset.committees.dist.meeting_context import get_meeting_context_data

meeting_context_data = get_meeting_context_data()

Initialize the Jinja environment

Jinja is used to render the html templates

In [ ]:
from datapackage_pipelines_knesset.committees.dist.template_functions import get_jinja_env

jinja_env = get_jinja_env('committees/dist/templates')

Get a committee meeting row for testing

Get a single meeting row to check the data available to the template

In [ ]:
from datapackage import Package
import yaml, sys

build_meetings_package = Package('data/committees/dist/build_meetings/datapackage.json')
meeting_rows_generator = build_meetings_package.get_resource('kns_committeesession').iter(keyed=True)

meeting_rows_generator = (r for r in meeting_rows_generator if r['KnessetNum'] == 20)

# filter meetings which have more then 2 attended mks
meeting_rows_generator = (r for r in meeting_rows_generator if len(r['attended_mk_individual_ids']) > 2)

meeting_row = next(meeting_rows_generator)
print(yaml.dump(meeting_row, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False), file=sys.stderr)

Render the meeting page

In [ ]:
import os, sys
from datapackage_pipelines_knesset.committees.dist.template_functions import build_template
from datapackage_pipelines_knesset.committees.dist.committees_common import get_meeting_path
from datapackage_pipelines_knesset.committees.dist import meeting_context

# reload the meeting_context module in case you made some changes to it.
# Allows for quicker iterations while keeping all the source data in RAM
from importlib import reload

meeting_html_file_base_path = get_meeting_path(meeting_row)

               meeting_context.get_meeting_context(meeting_row, meeting_context_data, use_data=False),

Copy the static files needed for the frontend

In [ ]:
!{'dpp run ./committees/dist/copy_static_files'}

View the rendered html

To view the output, run the following from the host PC (outside of the Docker container):

Change to the relevant directory on the host PC:

cd /opt/knesset-data-pipelines/data/committees/dist/dist

Run a simple HTTP server using Python:

python3 -m http.server

The following script prints the relevant urls to view the output:

In [5]:
print('\n-- rendered meeting - localhost url --\n', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'http://localhost:8000/{meeting_html_file_base_path}', file=sys.stderr)
print('\n-- rendered meeting - production url --\n', file=sys.stderr)
print(f'{meeting_html_file_base_path}', file=sys.stderr)

-- rendered meeting - localhost url --


-- rendered meeting - production url --